Church of the Dormition Abbey

Organ nb. 11 | Concert organ of the Church of Dormition

This organ, made to fit the exact measurements of the central gallery of the church, was made by the German firm Oberlinger. It is a large one as one can understand by the fact it has five sixteen feet stops.
It has been inaugurated in 1980 and since then very frequently used for concerts In 1992, a complete revision of the organ was performed by Oberlinger including an increase in the number of piston from 10 to 640.
The circular form of the church creates acoustical problems which are not completely resolved, the sounds having a tendency to turn inside the resonant volume and to interfere with each other.
The stops of the Back-organ division are in a separate case made of white oak. This Back-organ is very efficient : its stops being much closer to the public attending the concerts are heard much more distinctly than the others and can be used as soloists.

The whole main case is also made of white oak. The Swell division shades are made of plexiglass. This organ, made to fit the exact measurements of the central gallery of the church,, was made by the German firm Oberlinger. It is a large one as one can understand by the fact it has five sixteen feet stops.
It has been inaugurated in 1980 and since then very frequently used for concerts.

Description of the organ

Disposition 38 stops

First Manual Ruckpositiv 56 notes

Holzgedeckt 8′
Sifflote 1 1/3
Principal 4′
Cymbel 4
Blockflöte 4′
Krommhorn 8′
Octave 2

Second manual   Hauptwerk

Gedecktpommer 16′
Superoctave 2′
Principal 8′
Mixtur V
Rohrflöte 8′
Cymbel III
Octave 4′
Trompet 8′
Kleingedackt 4′
Quinte 2 2/3

Third manual Oberwerk enclosed

Hohlpfeife 8′
Octavlein 1′
Salicional 8′
Sesquialter II
Voix Céleste 8′
Fourniture V
Principal 4′
Dulcian 16′
Kuppelflöte 4′
‘Hautbois 8
Waldflöte 2′
Clairon 4’

Pedal upright 30 notes

Principal bass 16′
Pommer 8′
Subbass 16′
Choralbass 4′
Posaune 16′
Hintersatz III
Octavbass 8′

Couplers III-I III-II II-I

Mechanic manual action
Electric stop action
64 pistons x 10 levels

Expression            Swell

Tremulant             Swell and Rukspositiv

Special mention should be made of the Glockenspiel, a kind of musical
clock frequently found in Bavaria and Austria