Saint Peter Ratisbonne Monastery

Organ nb. 18 | Organ of the Church Saint Peter of Zion Jerusalem

This liturgical organ belongs to the order of the Fathers of Zion. It is situated on the gallery of the Church of Saint Peter which is in the left wing of the Ratisbonne monastery. It was constructed by Francois Mader from Marseille, France, built in 1898 and inaugurated in 1900. Its stops are of a great musical beauty The organ case is of dark varnished oak. A central capital contains the four low-pitched pipes of the Montre 8′ and two lateral capitals contain three pipes each. The capitals and the framework inclined from the center to the sides are dominated by a freeze of wooden molding. The console has its back to the organ.

This organ could not be used for some forty years, until it was entirely repaired thanks to a special donation of the
General Council of the Province of Marcciata in Italy.
The repairs were done by the organ-builder Michel Formentelli in 2007 with outstanding success.

Description of the organ

Disposition 10  stops

First Manual Great
Bourdon 16′
Montre 8′
Gambe 8′
Flute Harmonique 8′
Prestant 4′

Second Manual Swell enclosed
Trompette 8′
Quintaton 8′
Salicional 8′
Voix Celeste 8′
Dulciane 4′

Pedal upright 24 notes
Pedal does not have independent stops. Still, one manual coupler permits the pedal to play
the lowest octave of the manual span of Bourdon16′.

Couplers : II/I, II/P, I/P

Expression pedal      Swell

Tremulant        Swell

Mechanical stop and manual action