Bethleem- Nativity Church- St Catherine

Organ n. 45 | Organ at the Basilica of the Annunciation Nazareth
The existence of an organ in Nazareth in the 18th century is confirmed by the testimony of the German organist Eliezer Horn. In his letters, he mentions an 8 stop organ made by the organ maker Domenico Mancini from Naples, installed in Nazareth in 1734. Numerous organs have probably followed each other before and after the Mancini organ, but we have found no traces of them. The one before the last in date is from the Italian firm Tamburini and it is still functioning in the crypt. The construction of a new organ of greater dimensions was made necessary by the construction of the Basilica, a vast and imposing building, constructed above the old church of the Annunciation. The making of this organ was entrusted to Brother Delfin Taboada. The inauguration took place on 11th of October 1982 and on this occasion a concert was given by the Franciscan organist, Alberto Cerrone, organist of the Saint Mary of the Angels Basilica in Assisi.

The console is placed at the center of the choir of the upper church, and it is connected to the organ by a cable.

Description of the organ

Disposition 38 stops

First Manual 61 notes

Principale 16′
Ripieno V 2
I Principale 8′
Flauto Traverso 8′
II Principale 8′
Flauto in VIII 4′
Ottava 4′
Sesquialtera II
Duodecima 2 2/3′
Voce Humana 8′
Decimaquinta 2′
Tromba 8′
Decimanona 1 1/3′
Chiarina 4′

Second manual Swell enclosed

Principale 8′
Flautino 2′
Ottava 4′
Flauto in XVII 1 3/5′
Decimaquinta 2′
Piccolo 1′
Ripieno IV
Violetta 8′
Bordone 8′ Voce
Celeste 8′
Flauto a Camino 4′
Oboe 8′
Nazardo 2 2/3′

Pedal radial 32 notes

Contrabasso 16′
Bordone 8′
Ottava 8′
Flauto 4′
Quintadecima 4′
Bombarda 16′
Ripieno IV
Trombone 8′

Couplers II/I II/P I/P II/I 4′ II/I 16′

Transposing couplers: II/II 4′ and 16′, I/I 4′ and 16′, II/P 4′, I/P 4′

General transposition device (seven positions)

Great reeds off

Oboe 8’/II off

Pedal reeds off

Presets: Ripieno G.O., Ripieno Swell, Ripieno Pedal, Forte Generale, Piano, Pedale Crescendo

Seven general pistons, four divisional pistons for each divison

Electric manual and stop action